Publication Date: 3/1/78
    Pages: 90
    Date Entered: 2/23/84
    March 1978
    The Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, which established the
    Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), directed the NRC, among other
    things, to develop contigency plans". . .for dealing with threats,
    thefts, and sabotage relating to special nuclear materials, high-level
    radioactive wastes and nuclear facilities resulting from all activities
    licensed under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended. . . ."
    The principal requirements for the development of safeguards
    contingency plans for transportation are found in 10 CFR Part 70,
    "Special Nuclear Materials," and Part 73, "Physical Protection of Plants
    and Materials." Paragraph 70.22(g) of 10 CFR Part 70 identifies the
    requirements for a safeguards contingency plan for transportation.
    Appendix C to 10 CFR Part 73 identifies the criteria to be followed in
    developing the contingency plan.
    A licensee safeguards contingency plan is a document that provides
    guidance to licensee personnel and identifies procedures to accomplish
    specific, defined objectives in the event of threats, thefts, or
    sabotage relating to special nuclear material or nuclear facilities. An
    acceptable safeguards contingency plan must contain (1) a predetermined
    set of decisions and actions to satisfy stated objectives, (2) an
    identification of the data, criteria, procedures, and mechanisms
    necessary to effect efficiently the decisions and actions, and (3) a
    specification of the individual, group, or organizational entity
    responsible for each decision and action.
    A safeguards contingency plan consists of five elements: (1)
    Background, (2) a Generic Planning Base, (3) a Licensee Planning Base,
    (4) a Responsibility Matrix, and (5) Procedures.
    The Background contains the purpose and scope of the plan,
    describes the environment within which the plan will be put into effect,
    and defines the terms used.
    The Generic Planning Base contains a list of events to be planned
    for and the associated objective to be reached for each event. It may
    also include for each event an overview of the general types of
    decisions and actions and other generic information helpful to the
    licensee in clearly presenting the planned responses to reach the
    The Licensee Planning Base contains the information peculiar to a
    given licensee: his organizational entities for contingency response
    tasking, facility descriptions and locations necessary for response
    planning and coordination, command and control functions, etc.
    The Responsibility Matrix is a format used to specify the
    assignment of specific decisions and actions that each organizational
    entity takes to effect such response.
    For each organizational entity, the decisions and actions, as
    assigned in the Responsibility Matrix, are finally summarized in a
    Procedures Summary for that entity. The Procedures Summaries that
    result are simplified presentations of the assigned responsibilities for
    use in training and implementing the plan. The Procedures Summary,
    although part of the contingency plan, does not have to be submitted to
    the NRC for approval (see Chapter 5).
    This regulatory guide presents the proposed standard format for a
    safeguards contingency plan for transportation and contains an example
    contingency plan, included as a supplement, to illustrate the guide's
    application. The guide may be revised to reflect comments received and
    additional staff review.
    Purpose and Applicability
    This standard format and content document has been prepared to aid
    in ensuring completeness of planning and presentation and to simplify
    the NRC review of the safeguards contingency plan. It applies to the
    transportation of special nuclear material that is subject to the
    requirements of 10 CFR section 73.30 through section 73.36 (proposed 10
    CFR section 73.25 and section 73.26, see 42 FR 34317, July 5, 1977).
    This document describes the information required for a plan.
    Information submitted will be reviewed for completeness on the basis of
    the contents of this guide. If a submittal does not provide a
    reasonably complete presentation of the required information, final
    review will be delayed until the needed information is provided. It is
    anticipated that the safeguards contingency plan will be submitted as an
    attachment to the physical security plan (10 CFR section 70.22(g)). To
    the extent that the topics in the contingency plan are treated in
    adequate detail in a physical security plan, they may be incorporated by
    cross-reference to the security plan. The applicant or licensee should
    include additional information as appropriate. It is also the
    responsibility of the applicant or licensee to be aware of new and
    revised NRC regulations.
    Information and procedures delineated in regulatory guides in
    Division 5, "Materials and Plant Protection," and technical reports and
    appropriate to certain sections of the physical security plan submitted
    under Paragraph 70.22(g) of 10 CFR Part 70 or 10 CFR section 73.30
    through section 73.36 (proposed 10 CFR section 73.25 and section 73.26,
    see 42 FR 34317, July 5, 1977) may be incorporated by reference. The
    applicant, licensee, or agent should discuss his plans and programs with
    the NRC staff before preparing his contingency plan, giving particular
    emphasis to the depth of information required for this plan.
    Use of the Standard Format
    The standard format and content is described in succeeding
    chapters and is illustrated in the example plan presented in the
    supplement. If the applicant or licensee chooses to adopt the standard
    format and content, he should follow the numbering system of this
    document at least down to the level of subsection (e.g., 3.5.1).
    Certain subsections may be omitted from a contingency plan if they are
    clearly unnecessary to provide a complete plan or if they are needlessly
    repetitive. In such cases appropriate adaptation of the standard format
    to accommodate the particular circumstances is permissible.
    The applicant or licensee may wish to submit in support of his
    contingency plan information that is not required by regulations and is
    not essential to the description of the physical protection program.
    Such information could include, for example, historical data submitted
    in demonstration of certain criteria, discussions of alternatives
    considered, or supplementary data regarding assumed models, data, or
    calculations. This type of information should be clearly labeled and
    provided as an attachment to the submittal so that it will not be
    considered as a license condition.
    Style and Composition
    The applicant or licensee should strive for a clear, concise
    presentation of information that portrays the general perspective and
    concepts of the basic plan. Details about specific aspects of the plan
    may be relegated to the appendices to enhance the clarity of the
    presentation in the basic plan and to facilitate updating and
    maintenance of the information. Confusing or ambiguous statements and
    general statements of intent should be avoided. Definitions and
    abbreviations should be consistent throughout the submittal and should
    be consistent with generally accepted usage unless otherwise defined in
    the document.
    Drawings, diagrams, and tables should be used when information may
    be presented more clearly or conveniently by such means. In general,
    these illustrations should be located in the section where they are
    first referenced. Care should be taken to ensure that all information
    presented in drawings is legible, that symbols are defined, and that
    drawings are not reduced to the extent that they cannot be read by
    unaided normal eyes.
    A table of contents should be included in each submittal.
    Physical Specifications of Submittals
    All materials submitted in a safeguards contingency plan should
    conform to the following physical dimensions of page size, quality of
    paper and inks, numbering of pages, etc.:
1. Page Size
    Text pages: 8-1/2 x 11 inches.
    Drawings and graphics: 8-1/2 x 11 inches preferred; however, a
    larger size is acceptable provided the finished copy when folded
    does not exceed 8-1/2 x 11 inches.
2. Paper Stock and Ink
    Suitable quality in substance, paper color, and ink density for
    handling and for microfilming.
3. Page Margins
    A margin of no less than one inch should be maintained on the top,
    bottom, and binding side of all pages submitted.
4. Printing
    Composition: text pages should be single spaced. Type face and
    style: must be suitable for microfilming. Reproduction: may be
    mechanically or photographically reproduced. Pages may be printed
    on both sides with the images printed head to head.
5. Binding
    Pages should be punched for standard 3-hole looseleaf binder.
6. Page Numbering
    Pages should be numbered sequentially.
7. Format References
    In the application, references to this Standard Format should be
    by chapter and section numbers.
    Procedures for Updating or Revising Pages
    The updating or revising of data and text should be on a
    replacement page basis.
    The changed or revised portion of each page should be highlighted
    by a vertical line. The line should be on the margin opposite the
    binding margin for each line changed or added. All pages submitted to
    update, revise, or add pages to the plan should show the date of change.
    The transmittal letter should include an index page listing the pages to
    be inserted and the pages to be removed. When major changes or
    additions are made, pages for a revised Table of Contents should be
    Number of Copies
    The applicant or licensee should submit 6 copies to the Director,
    Office of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear
    Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C. 20555. Alternatively, these
    copies may be filed in person at the Commission's offices at 1717 H
    Street, NW., Washington, D.C. or at 7915 Eastern Avenue, Silver Spring,
    Public Disclosure
    The NRC has determined that safeguards contingency plans contain
    information of a type specified in 10 CFR section 2.790(d) and shall be
    subject to disclosure only in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR
    section 9.12.
    The applicant or licensee should ensure that the contingency plan
    is compatible with the other sections of his application. Reference to
    sections in the physical security plan may be made in response to
    information requested by this guide.
    Provide a statement of the perceived danger to the security of
    licensee personnel and licensee property posed by the possibility of
    attempts to commit sabotage or to steal strategic special nuclear
    materials. The adversary attributes assumed for safeguards contingency
    planning stem from those specified by NRC as a basis for current
    safeguards system design or upgrading. The statement contained in 10 CFR
    section 73.55(a) or subsequent Commission statements will suffice. The
    information is included in the safeguards contingency plan for ready
    reference and clarity with regard to the adversary capabilities that are
    assumed to oppose the performance of the primary security mission of the
    plan. The applicant or licensee should examine his operation to
    determine its vulnerabilities in light of the threats postulated by the
    Commission. This examination is to make the applicant or licensee more
    aware of the total scope of response and will facilitate the generation
    of initiating events for the Generic Planning Base.
    State the general aims and purposes underlying the implementation
    of the plan, e.g., the transportation activities covered, general uses
    intended for the plan, etc.
    Discuss the scope of the plan by addressing the following
1. The general types of contingencies that have been
    considered, i.e., threats related to a shipment of SNM or an attempted
    theft or sabotage of a shipment while enroute.
2. The primary security mission (task to be accomplished) in
    response to an adversary incursion and the general operational concepts
    or approach to performing the mission. The mission statement simply
    reveals what is to be accomplished and when and why. The operational
    concept presents an overview of how the mission is to be accomplished.
    Also, for clarity of intent, the operational concept may indicate
    explicitly the conditions under which the plan might be executed, e.g.,
    night, day, all weather, natural disasters, etc.
    Alphabetically list the terms and the corresponding definitions
    used in describing the operational and technical aspects of the plan.
    Identify those events that signal the beginning or aggravation of
    a safeguards contingency according to how they are first perceived by
    the licensee's or transportation agent's personnel, as applicable. A
    sufficient number of events should be identified to cover the range of
    possible safeguards contingencies that are envisioned. Generic
    specification of the events is suggested to limit the number that are
    required for the plan. Refer to Appendix A of the supplement for
    examples illustrating the manner of specifying these events.
    For each event identified, specify the objective to be
    accomplished by the operational elements when they respond to that
    particular event. In selecting an objective, consideration should be
    given to uncertainties about the situation that generally will prevail
    as of the time the subject events occur. For example, if information
    available at the time is likely to be so vague that the operational
    elements will be uncertain whether or not an adversary incursion is in
    progress, an appropriate objective for the event would involve
    determining what the actual situation is. Attainment of this objective
    would in turn clarify the situation and lead to the next event and
    objective most appropriate for the continued response in order to
    accomplish the primary security mission, which is reflected in Section
    In addition to the required information above, other information
    that is helpful to the licensee (or transportation agent) in preparing
    or clearly presenting the general nature of the planned responses to
    achieve the selected objectives may be included in the generic planning
    base. For example, listing of the categories of actions or the general
    approach that will be taken by the overall response organization to
    accomplish a given objective may be helpful in planning, assigning, and
    subsequent training of personnel in the specific response actions
    developed in the Responsibility Matrix relating to that objective. Such
    listing would be tantamount to presenting a limited operational concept
    that is specifically applicable to the attainment of the particular
    objective. Another type of information that may be helpful for ready
    reference is an illustration that shows sequential relationships among
    all the generic events and objectives utilized for planning.
    In successive paragraphs, briefly present information about the
    licensee's organization, infrastructure, capabilities, constraints, law
    enforcement assistance, and other considerations that bear upon the
    execution of the contingency responses of the plan. Only current
    capabilities should be reflected to ensure realistic prospects for plan
    execution in the event of a contingency during the current period.
    Where applicable, reference may be made to parts of the physical
    security plan where pertinent information is adequately presented,
    rather than repeating the particular information in the safeguards
    contingency plan. Types of information that should be considered for
    inclusion in the plan are further described below. Use additional
    paragraphs as necessary to present other pertinent information.
    Provide a description of the organization adopted for purposes of
    planning, assigning, and conducting coordinated safeguards contingency
    response actions to attain the specified objectives presented in the
    Generic Planning Base. This task organization should reflect the type
    of personnel and principal equipments composing the various operational
    entities that appear in the Responsibility Matrix and Procedures
    Summaries; these are the entities in the plan that implement detailed
    contingency response actions. The general procedure for designating the
    leaders and alternate leaders and the composition of the operational
    entities for a specific shipment should also be reflected in this
    Information on planned road routes routinely used to transport SNM
    in quantities requiring physical protection should be presented in this
    paragraph, either directly or by reference to pertinent appendices of
    the basic plan. For brevity and clarity of presentation in the basic
    plan, the route information generally is best presented in appendices;
    one appendix should be devoted to each planned route.
    With regard to assembling necessary data for planned road routes,
    it is contemplated that NRC will undertake a task to cover the most
    commonly and frequently used routes for interstate transport of
    protected SNM. When the information is compiled on a route, NRC will
    provide it to licensees or their agents. The licensees or their agents
    may include this information in their respective transportation
    safeguards contingency plans with the understanding that they accept
    responsibility for its continued accuracy.
    For routes used as a matter of convenience to a particular
    licensee or agent when a suitable NRC planned route is available or for
    one-time or seldom-used routes, the licensee or his agent is responsible
    for assembling the necessary data and planning the route. The plan for
    such a route should be submitted to NRC for review and approval if it is
    contemplated as an addition to the safeguards contingency plan by the
    licensee or agent.
    For each route, the route information should include route segment
    identifications, pertinent time and distance factors, route reference
    points and directions to locations of pertinent law enforcement
    facilities, and the expected response capabilities of the associated law
    enforcement agencies. Tables and charts required for presentation of
    the information are illustrated in Appendix E of the example plan
    presented in the Supplement and are further explained below.
1. Route Overview - This is a graphic display of the overall
    route presented on one or more sheets. It may be a line diagram as in
    the example plan, or it may be depicted on a road map. The map or
    diagram should be large enough in scale to clearly indicate the
    pertinent law enforcement agency (LEA) to be contacted for contingency
    assistance. The planned route segments should be reflected on the
    display. route segments selected for planning should have easily
    recognized geographic features as boundaries and should be easily
    correlated with the pertinent LEA. For example, if a pertinant LEA is a
    county sherriff's department, a route segment marked by the county
    boundaries (if easily recognized on the ground) or other geographic
    features near the county boundaries would be appropriate. The enroute
    overview should also show the location of each pertinent LEA relative to
    the route, the route's origin and destination, state boundaries as
    applicable, and other information that will aid in rapidly correlating
    route position with the LEA appropriate for that position.
2. Time and Distance Factors - This is a table showing the
    following information for each planned route segment:
    a. Identification code of the segment.
    b. LEA pertinent to the segment.
    c. Segment boundaries (start and end points).
    d. Distance of the segment in road miles.
    e. Total trip miles traveled from origin to end of the
    f. Average time required to transit the segment.
    g. Total trip time elapsed at the end of the segment.
    h. Estimated variability in time for crossing the segment
    and the variability of total trip time at the end of
    the segment.
    i. Critical reference points that give detailed route
    instructions for movement to the location of the
    pertinent LEA.
3. Law Enforcement Response Summary - This is a table that
    summarizes for each pertinent LEA the expected response, the emergency
    telephone numbers and other communications means, and selected segment
    information. It provides quick reference data to facilitate
    communication with pertinent LEA and to estimate response times after
    the contact.
4. Law Enforcement Capabilities - This is a brief narrative
    description of the LEA capabilities. The description should be adequate
    to provide the enroute supervisor a general overview of each enroute
    LEA's strength, mobility, communications, weapons, and other
    capabilities that are available if needed.
    For the transportation safeguards contingency plan, details
    regarding LEA assistance along road routes are more simply presented in
    connection with the applicable route information (see Section 3.2).
    Therefore, simple reference in this section to the location of that LEA
    information in the plan serves to highlight it for ready reference.
    Other general LEA information not contained in the referenced material,
    however, may be applicable to this section. For example, to enhance
    clarity, this section might also be used to briefly describe the general
    nature of requests for enroute LEA assistance that will be made if the
    need arises. Other general information regarding LEA assistance deemed
    appropriate for clarity or emphasis by the licensee or agent may be
    Identify laws, company policies, or other factors that will
    substantially constrain or otherwise influence execution of response
    actions during contingency situations. This may include, but need not
    be limited to, the following areas as applicable:
1. Extent to which local, county, and State law enforcement
    will be depended on to protect shipments against adversary intrusion and
    theft incidents.
2. Extent to which company employees will be allowed to perform
    hazardous physical security duties incident to accomplishing safeguards
    contingency response actions.
3. Extent to which enroute personnel can assist LEA in hot
    pursuit operations.
4. Equipment performance constraints dictating specially
    planned procedures.
    Information concerning the planned control arrangements and the
    use and operation of the various means of communication (licensee and
    LEA as applicable) during safeguards contingency response operations
    should be included in this section. Emphasis should be on the planned
    operating procedures that are to apply for coordination of the various
    operational entities involved.
    The information on control arrangements should clearly reflect who
    controls what and when. Also, as applicable, the manner of passing
    control from one point of leadership to another during progress of a
    contingency situation should be specific. The leader of any operational
    entity is presumed to be in control of that entity unless otherwise
    With regard to communications, the allocation, control, and usage
    of the various means of communications should be specific along with any
    special instructions that apply regarding operation of the equipment.
    As applicable, the specification and use of various codes for rapid
    communication of situational information also are appropriate items for
    this section. Details may be relegated to an appendix in the interest of
    clarity in the basic plan.
    As applicable, information of operational significance to the
    utilization of safeguards systems equipment may be included here or
    elsewhere in the plan, as desired for clarity. For example, the
    location of special weapons and protective equipment that are available
    if needed might be indicated here or in the section on operational
    elements. Also, information concerning communications equipment might
    be more appropriately included in the control and communications section
    than here. Information of interest in this section is the type that is
    necessary to coordinate commitment or use of the equipment during
    contingency response operations, e.g., its location if not installed,
    who obtains it, what operating modes apply and when, the readiness state
    maintained, etc. Descriptive information on system configuration and
    technical performance characteristics may be included by reference to
    appropriate parts of an approved transportation physical security plan
    if such information is felt necessary in the interest of clarity. If no
    information is included in this section, the simple statement "This
    section not used", should be inserted.
    Describe any special arrangements and practices that are
    maintained or implemented to ensure adequate administrative and
    logistical support incident to enroute safeguards contingency events.
    The descriptions should include provisions for ensuring that all
    equipment and expendable supplies needed to effectively deal with an
    enroute safeguards contingency will be easily accessible, in good
    working order, and in sufficient supply. Particular attention should be
    focused on extra supplies and equipment such as radio batteries,
    ammunition, special weapons, gas masks, body armor, and helmets that
    could substantially affect the effectiveness of response personnel.
    Include also the planned arrangement for provision of necessary
    emergency services incident to enroute safeguard contingency operations,
    such as medical evacuation and treatment of casualties, health physics,
    and vehicle maintenance. If standard procedures are applicable in that
    regard, a statement and brief explanation to that effect is appropriate.
    Develop a Responsibility Matrix corresponding to the Generic
    Planning Base. The tabulations in the Responsibility Matrix should
    provide an overall picture of the response actions and their
    The Responsibility Matrix illustrated below is in array format to
    facilitate systematic presentation and crosscheck of the contingency
    response actions planned for each operational element. The three
    dimensions depicted are: "Events," "Operational Elements," and
    Each Event should correspond to one of the contingency events
    selected in the Generic Planning Base (Chapter 2). The
    Decisions-Actions for each Event should delineate the decisions and
    actions and their assignment to the responsible Operational Element
    (Sections 3.1 and 3.3) so as to gain the objective associated with that
    Event in the Generic Planning Base. One or more pages may be used to
    present the contingency actions associated with each event, depending on
    the number of operational elements involved in the plan and the amount
    of column width allocated for each operational element. The matrix
    format shown in the "Representative Safeguards Contingency Plan for Road
    Transportation" contained in the Supplement has spaces for five
    different operational elements on two pages of presentation for each
    contingency event; however, more or less may be used as necessary.
    It may be noted that the example matrix contained in the
    Supplement also shows the objective associated with each contingency
    event in two places: the first column and at the top in one other
    column. The presentation is for ease of reference. The first column
    permits quick reference during development and maintenance of the plan,
    and the other column serves to identify the particular operational
    element that decides when that objective has been attained.
    Safeguards responsibilities must be assigned in a manner that
    precludes conflicts in duties or responsibilities that would prevent the
    execution of the plan in any safeguards contingency.
    Develop a Procedures Summary for each operational element that
    summarizes the actions from the Responsibility Matrix for assignment to
    that operational element. The set of Procedures Summaries that results
    is to aid in the assignment and training of tasks for effective
    implementation of the plan. The procedures summary, although part of
    the contingency plan, does not have to be submitted to NRC for approval.
    It will be prepared and maintained at the licensee's facility and will
    be inspected by the NRC Office of Inspection and Enforcement to ensure
    compliance with the Responsibility Matrix.
    Each Procedures Summary should provide clear and concise
    statements of the general responsibilities of the operational element
    during any safeguards contingency and of the specific actions assigned
    with respect to the range of contingency events covered in the plan. In
    that regard, show where a task begins and follow its progress through
    each operational element until the task is completed; i.e., show the
    actions that each of the operational elements accomplishes to carry out
    the task. In summarizing actions from the Responsibility Matrix, a
    given set of summary statements may be utilized to cover more than one
    event when the events involved require the same or effectively the same
    type of actions. Also, where a given action is found to be common
    procedure for a number of operational elements, regardless of the
    specific contingency, that action may be included in a summary grouping
    of standard operating procedures for presentation in each of the
    procedures summaries. Statements of standard operating procedures may
    also reflect information of general interest to all operational
    entities, for example, the assignment of overall control
    To facilitate operations, the licensee may wish to condense key
    portions of the Procedures Summary to checklist format according to
    stages of increased preparedness to respond. For example, events deemed
    to require a comparable level of preparedness may be grouped under some
    predetermined alert code, e.g., yellow alert for conditions that are not
    perceived as imminent but do require a further enhanced state of
    readiness (some expressed threats, non-threatening civil demonstrations,
    unresolved perimeter alarms, etc.). When the condition is evaluated and
    deemed to require an enhanced state of readiness, the alert posture is
    increased to an appropriate higher level, e.g., orange or red. In
    effect, the events are grouped in alert categories by their sensitivity
    and assessed immediacy. To achieve the assigned alert status,
    checklists are used by each operational element as reminders to perform
    specificially assigned duties.
    For planning purposes, it is assumed that an adversary incursion
    against the shipment to steal or to sabotage the cargo could occur at
    any time while enroute with little or no prior warning. Also, as a hoax
    or with serious intent, a potential adversary could threaten to steal or
    sabotage the cargo. The assumed adversaries may be well-trained and
    dedicated persons with no responsibility for the shipment (external
    adversaries) or knowledgeable persons with assigned responsibilities
    with respect to the shipment (internal adversaries). It is assumed that
    an attempted incursion will be well planned and rehearsed and will be
    directed toward accomplishing the adversary mission and withdrawing from
    the scene as quickly as possible.
    An external adversary may include one to a small group of armed or
    unarmed persons. If armed, their weapons could vary from hand guns and
    shotguns to mixtures of weapons such as automatic rifles and explosives.
    Tactics employed might include armed hijack, ruse, duress, rolling or
    static ambush, or opportunistic theft of the cargo carrier. Coordinated
    team movements and use of weapons might be employed in furtherance of
    these tactics. External adversaries might also be assisted by an
    internal conspirator.
    An internal adversary may be a member of the enroute elements
    (Escort or Transporter) and thus would be armed as the enroute elements
    are. Such an individual may endeavor to steal the cargo himself through
    use of force or ruse or to assist external adversaries by decoying the
    shipment or by creating diversions that may weaken the cargo vehicle's
    security coverage. An internal adversary not a member of the enroute
    elements might also be involved in a conspiracy with an external
    adversary. In such cases, the internal adversary may assist the
    external by providing specific shipment information or by deceptions to
    cover the activities of the external adversary.
    This document presents the safeguards contingency plan for road
    transportation of a representative company that provides transportation
    for nuclear materials that require physical protection for compliance
    with NRC regulations. The plan was prepared to guide and coordinate
    response actions of the operating elements involved against perceived or
    actual incursion attempts to steal or sabotage the cargo of a road
    1.3.1Types of Contingencies and Responses that have been Considered
    Responses to deal with and prevent successful execution of threats
    and attempts of theft of SNM sabotage are covered in the plan. The
    safeguards contingency plan does not include any actions under emergency
    plans concerned with hazards to public health and safety that are the
    consequence of nuclear accidents other than steps to initiate the
    implementation of such emergency plans even though those accidents may
    result from acts of threats, thefts, or sabotage.
    1.3.2Operational Concept in Response to an Adversary Incursion
    The primary security mission of the operating elements is to
    protect the cargo at all times during its road shipment from point of
    origin to point of destination to prevent theft or sabotage of any part
    of the cargo.
    This mission is accomplished routinely by protecting the cargo at
    all times and by coordination among the operational elements to ensure a
    high state of readiness to deal with contingency situations if they
    MVMT Control maintains current information of the shipment's
    status and the on-going enroute situation and coordinates with enroute
    LEA as necessary to ensure early LEA awareness of possible security
    threats against the shipment. Additionally, the enroute elements
    continuously guard the cargo in transit and maintain all-around security
    surveillance of the local scene to avoid being surprised by incursions
    against the shipment if they are attempted. Cargo stowage is kept
    locked, sealed, and alarmed, as applicable, and the transporter moves
    via well-traveled routes at maximum speed limits when possible, making
    only essential stops.
    To accomplish the mission under the extraordinary circumstances of
    a contingency situation, the enroute elements will contact the pertinent
    LEA for assistance as necessary and will deal with the situation to
    protect the shipment until the LEA response effectively develops. As a
    hedge against the chance that enroute elements may not be able to
    contact the LEA in an emergency, MVMT Control will request assistance of
    pertinent LEA in the event that enroute elements fail to render a report
    as expected. The mobility of the shipment will be used by enroute
    elements to avoid a perceived incursion wherever possible. Otherwise,
    depending on the nature and strength of the adversary, enroute elements
    will block or delay the incursion to prevent penetration of the cargo
    transporter. In the event an adversary gains possession of any part of
    the cargo and endeavors to depart, enroute elements will follow and
    maintain contact as necessary to assist LEA convergence in pursuit.
    Terms and expressions used in the plan are alphabetically listed
    and defined below for ease of reference.
    Term Definition
    (A) Notation used in Responsibility Matrix, Appendix
    C, that indicates an action is always taken; the
    action may be a hedge against uncertainty or
    necessary in light of the situation.
    (C) Notation used in Responsibility Matrix, Appendix
    C, that indicates an action may or may not be
    taken depending on the obvious
    circumstances of the situation.
    CB Citizens band radio.
    ETA Estimated time of arrival.
    ETD Estimated time of departure.
    FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation.
    FCC Federal Communications Commission.
    ID Identification.
    LEA Law enforcement agency(ies).
    MT Mobile radiotelephone.
    MVMT Movement.
    NRC U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Region
    ______, Office of Inspection and Enforcement.
    Sabotage A malevolent act that damages and results in
    dispersal of nuclear material.
    Shipper The terminal element--consignor or
    consignee--who arranged with the company
    providing nuclear materials transportation
    services for the nuclear shipment of concern.
    SNM Special nuclear material.
    Stolen SNM SNM that has been acquired unlawfully and is being
    held in a safe haven by the thief.
    The operational elements indicated in Section 3.1 will respond as
    a team to events that either suggest or reveal an adversary incursion
    against the shipment. The types of events experienced and the clarity
    of the situation at the time will depend on the nature of the incursion,
    the state to which the siuuation has progressed, and the amount of
    interaction that has occurred between the adversary and the operational
    elements. The total response from start to finish will be a dynamic
    process conditioned by the circumstances of the situation as it
    progresses. As a means of planning for contingencies, a set of 16
    events has been specified to cover the range of events that will trigger
    contingency response actions by the operational elements. For each of
    these events, the most important objective to be achieved by the
    operational elements responding to the particular event has been
    identified. Attainment of the objective will improve the situation to
    the extent possible at the time and will lead to the next event and the
    objective most appropriate for continued dealing with the situation.
    Appendix A summarizes the events and objectives of the Generic
    Planning Base and codes each combination for ease of access to the
    detailed task planning reflected in the Responsibility Matrix (Appendix
    The following operational elements are the organizational entities
    adopted for purposes of assigning and executing the road transportation
    security response tasks and procedures identified in this plan. The
    designated leaders and specific composition of the operational entities
    are specified in the instructions issued for each shipment.
    Functional Category Operational Elements
    Transportation 1. Escort
2. Transporter
3. MVMT Control
    Terminal Elements 4. Consignor
5. Consignee
1. Escort is tailored to provide the security needs for a given
    shipment in light of the cargo that is to be protected, the
    vulnerability of the route that will be used, and the response
    capabilities of the pertinent enroute LEA. The Escort includes:
    a. One or more unmarked cars equipped with mobile
    telephone, citizens band radio, vehicle-to-vehicle VHF communications,
    and shotguns.
    b. At least two armed guards per vehicle, inclusive of
    the driver.
2. Transporter includes the cargo transporter equipped with
    mobile telephone, citizens band radio, vehicle-to-vehicle VHF
    communications, and shotguns. The Transporter may also feature
    armored-protected crew compartment, firing ports, and an enclosed cargo
    trailer with an immobilization system. If an open cargo trailer is
    employed, individual cargo containers will weigh at least 500 pounds.
    Normally two armed guards, inclusive of the driver, constitute the crew
    of the Transporter.
3. MVMT Control includes:
    a. An adequately furnished operations center room with
    dedicated telephone equipment and the pertinent transportation plan and
    shipment plan information.
    b. One or more staff members inclusive of the Operations
    Center supervisor, as needed for continuous operational coverage of
    on-going shipments.
4. The Consignor and Consignee are represented by the shipper
    and receiver staff members designated to monitor the shipment status and
    to make operational decisions and arrangements concerning the shipment
    in coordination with MVMT Control.
    Pertinent time and distance data and law enforcement jurisdictions
    needed for shipment planning and operations are presented for each route
    in a series of appendices to this plan (see, for example, Appendix E).
    Selected law enforcement agencies (LEA) whose jurisdictions are
    crossed when the shipment is enroute will be requested, as needed, to
    provide contingency assistance to the shipment. LEA contacts and
    capabilities for assistance along a particular route are presented in
    the appendix for that route. In general, the enroute LEA will be
    depended on to provide assistance by investigating and providing
    information on suspicious activity and events, by dealing with unlawful
    incursions against the shipment, and by providing assistance to arrange
    local supporting services and traffic control when required.
    The following constraints and assumptions are reflected in this
    plan and will influence the conduct of operational activities during
1. Enroute elements will depend on available LEA assistance to
    the maximum extent possible to deal with unlawful incursions against the
2. Enroute elements will use firearms only as a last resort
    when other tactics fail to provide adequate protection of the shipment
    or enroute personnel against violent incursion attempts.
3. Enroute elements will conduct operations to protect the
    shipment in a manner that avoids injury to innocent bystanders and
    needless damage to private or public property.
4. It is possible that enroute elements will be unable to use
    the mobile electronic communications equipment to report the situation
    and request LEA assistance during the emergency because of communication
    dead zones that exist along the route for the operating equipment.
    Communications equipment and procedures used during a shipment are
    indicated in Appendix B. The control relationships among the operating
    elements are presented below:
    3.5.1Enroute Elements
1. The enroute supervisor will be designated in the movement
    order for a shipment. The enroute supervisor will designate an
    alternate to ensure continuity of control enroute. The enroute
    supervisor controls the operation of enroute elements, i.e.;
    * directs the movement and overall response actions of
    enroute elements.
    * requests assistance and coordinates operations with
    the LEA providing response assistance.
    * ensures that reports as required from enroute elements
    are made.
2. Escort and Transporter elements submit reports and request
    LEA assistance as dictated by the situation; Escort will normally be
    relied upon for such contacts to preclude stops by Transporter.
    3.5.2MVMT Control
1. Accomplishes necessary coordination with Shipper (Consignor
    and Consignee, as applicable) during the shipment.
2. Monitors the status of the shipment and the enroute
3. Coordinates with pertinent LEA to obtain investigative and
    security assistance as required and to inform LEA of possible security
    threats against the shipment.
    3.5.3Consignor and Consignee
    Shipper coordinates with MVMT Control to monitor the shipment and
    to provide support and supervisory assistance to enroute elements as
    3.5.4Enroute LEA
1. Directs and coordinates local operations of LEA response
2. Coordinates with other LEA as required to obtain additional
    investigative and response assistance if needed.
3. Coordinates local enroute LEA response operations with the
    enroute supervisor.
    This section not used.
    3.7.1Enroute Supplies
1. Transporter and Escort vehicle will be refueled at times
    selected to minimize enroute stops and to randomly vary the refueling
    points utilized along a route.
2. Spare replacement batteries for portable electronic
    equipment will be carried enroute elements as appropriate to the type of
    equipment being used.
3. Extra ammunition will be carried in each vehicle for the
    weapons available in that vehicle.
    3.7.2Vehicle Maintenance
    Enroute requirements for vehicle maintenance and evacuation
    service will be reported to MVMT Control. MVMT Control will arrange for
    the service in accordance with company maintenance procedures.
    3.7.3Medical Services
    Local enroute hospitals will be used for emergency medical
    treatment. Emergency medical evacuation to the hospitals can be
    arranged through contact with the pertinent enroute LEA.
    3.7.4Health Physics Service
    In the event of cargo dispersal while enroute due to adversary
    action or an accident, additional radiation monitoring service as
    required will be arranged by MVMT Control through contact with the
    Consignor or Consignee and DOE radiological assistance, as appropriate.
    Pertinent LEA may also be contacted to arrange for local civil defense
    preparedness assistance where applicable.
    3.7.5Materials Handling
    In the event Transporter immobilization requires transfer of the
    cargo to another vehicle MVMT Control will arrange with the Consignor or
    Consignee, as appropriate, for advisory personnel to monitor and assist
    in the transfer. MVMT Control will also arrange for the replacement
    carrier, materials handling equipment, and necessary additional labor as
    Within the context of the general responsibilities that are
    assigned to each operating element, the planning of detailed tasks to
    support the attainment of the contingency objectives (specified in the
    Generic Planning Base, Appendix A) has been accomplished through use of
    the Responsibility Matrix in Appendix C. This appendix also lists tasks
    for the operating elements that are assigned and practiced as standard
    operating procedure during a shipment to enhance the readiness of the
    operating elements for executing the specific tasks reflected in the
    Responsibility Matrix.
    To facilitate training and plan implementation, a Procedures
    Summary for each operating element is contained in Appendix D. These
    procedures present the general responsibilities of the operating
    elements, the applicable standard operating procedures, and summaries of
    the contingency task sequences that are assigned the elements via the
    Responsibility Matrix (Appendix C). In the event security contingencies
    that are not reflected in the contingency task sequences occur,
    operational elements will coordinate their response in accordance with
    the general responsibilities and standard operating procedures indicated
    in the procedures summary so as to accomplish the primary security
    mission (Subsection 1.3.2).
    ID Response Conditional
    Code Events Objectives Jumps
    T1 Explicit threat to steal Detemine if If serious,
    or sabotage cargo in threat as go to T4.
    transit is received before perceived is
    shipment departs. serious.
    T2 Explicit threat to steal Determine if If serious,
    or sabotage cargo in threat as go to T4.
    transit is received while perceived is
    enroute. serious.
    T3 A civil disturbance or Determine if If serious,
    other suspicious situation threat as go to T6.
    is encountered while perceived is
    enroute. serious.
    T4 Licensee/Agent or Enroute Prevent theft
    Elements perceive T1 or T2 or sabotage of
    serious. cargo
    T5 Duly constituted authority Prevent theft
    perceives a serious threat or sabotage of
    against SNM cargo in cargo.
    T6 Enroute Elements perceive Prevent theft If attack
    T3 serious. or sabotage imminent
    of cargo. go to T8
    or T9.
    T7 Event occurs while enroute Determine If danger,
    that temporarily degrades perceived go to T8 or T9.
    certain enroute safeguards. magnitude of
    T8 Attack is perceived Prevent theft If theft or
    imminent or develops while or sabotage sabotage, go
    Transporter is at a stop. of cargo. to T10, T11,
    T9 Attack is perceived Prevent theft If theft or
    imminent or develops while or sabotage sabotage,
    Transporter is moving. of cargo. go to T10,
    T11, T16.
    T10 Attack or accident has Restore
    occurred; Transporter or protection of
    Escort is damaged without the shipment.
    dispersal of SNM cargo.
    T11 Attack, sabotage, or Restore If theft, go
    accident has occurred; protection to T16.
    Transporter is damaged of the shipment.
    and SNM dispersed.
    T12 Code reserved for future
    T13 Enroute Elements are Determine if If theft or
    reported delayed or SNM has been sabotage, go
    diverted from the planned stolen or to T10, T11,
    route. sabotaged.
    T14 MVMT Control does not Determine if If theft or
    receive expected report SNM has been sabotage, go
    from Enroute Elements. stolen or to T10, T11,
    sabotaged. T16.
    T15 Enroute Elements do not Determine if If theft or
    arrive at destination as SNM has been sabotage, go
    expected. stolen or to T10, T11,
    sabotaged. T16.
    T16 SNM in transit has been Report theft
    stolen. to NRC and FBI.
    To outline procedures for use of radio equipment and other communications.
    Radio equipment with enroute elements normally includes mobile radiotelephon
    citizens band radios, and vehicle-to-vehicle radios. In addition, regular teleph
    communications are used by operating elements as required.
    a. Mobile Radiotelephones (MT) * One located in TRANSPORTER, one in each ESCORT vehicle
    * Used as the primary mobile means of communication with the enroute
    elements for contact with MVMT CONTROL and enroute LEA.
    * Features:
    - Eleven VHF channels available in the frequency band from 152
    162 MHz.
    - Channel selection pertinent to operating area is by manual
    pushbutton system.
    - Direct dialing or operator assisted calls are possible.
    - The MT generally must be within 20 miles of a phone-patching
    central for the system to be used.
    - Unreliable zones for MT communication and locations of
    phone-patching centrals for the routes of this plan are shown
    Enclosure 1 of Appendix E.
    Operating Information:
    - Enroute elements MT number shown on the equipment will be inc
    in the movement order for a particular shipment.
    - The operator of the MT will announce the telephone number of
    unit before terminating a call to comply with FCC rules.
    b. CB Radio Transceivers
    * One located in TRANSPORTER, one each ESCORT vehicle.
    * Used as the alternative mobile means of communication for contact
    MVMT CONTROL or enroute LEA in emergency situations, either direct
    by relay as necessary; used when MT is ineffective.
    * Also provides alternative mobile means of vehicle-to-vehicle
    communication in the event VHF transceiver fails.
    * Features:
    - Twenty-three HF AM channels available in the frequency band f
    26.965 to 27.225 MHz.
    - Omnidirectional dipole antenna.
    - Mobile-to-base communications range: 1 to 10 miles;
    mobile-to-mobile communications range: 1 to 5 miles.
    - Locations of enroute LEA and REACT CB capabilities for the ro
    of this plan are shown in Enclosure 1 of Appendix E.
    * Operating Information:
    - CB call sign for Enroute Elements is __________________.
    - Operator of CB will announce above call sign before terminati
    call to comply with FCC rules.
    - Channel 9 is the emergency CB channel; REACT groups and many
    routinely monitor this channel. Channel 19 is currently moni
    widely by truckers. Information relay can generally be
    accomplished via either of these channels channel 9 relays,
    however, must be of an emergency nature.
    c. VHF Radio Transceivers
    * Each enroute vehicle is equipped with a unit.
    * The primary mobile means of vehicle-to-vehicle communication.
    * Features:
    - Two VHF FM channels, both set to the single company operating
    frequency of ____________ MHz.
    - Omnidirectional dipole antenna.
    - Communication range: 10 to 20 miles.
    * Hand portable units are available with Enroute Elements for off-ve
    * Operating Information:
    - VHF call sign for enroute elements is __________________.
    - Operator of VHF radio will announce above call sign before
    terminating call to comply with FCC rules.
    d. Regular Telephone Calls
    Used as the primary non-mobile means of communication from enroute elem
    MVMT CONTROL and enroute LEA, and between MVMT CONTROL, the LEA, CONSIG
    and CONSIGNEE.
    * Operating Information:
    - ESCORT will make stops for necessary telephone usage by enrou
    elements in order to minimize requirements for TRANSPORTER st
    - MVMT CONTROL is located at ____________, ____________, teleph
    (____) ____-____; collect calls from LEA and enroute elements
    be accepted.
    - LEA telephone numbers for the routes of this plan are in Encl
    3 of Appendix E.
    - CONSIGNOR and CONSIGNEE telephone numbers will be indicated i
    movement order for a particular shipment.
    a. Company enroute elements will be identified as ____________ (Co. name)
    Number ____________ (Truck Number) in transmissions to LEA or for relay to LEA or
    b. Requests to CB REACT or other CB units for message relay to LEA or MVMT
    CONTROL will include name and telephone number of pertinent addressee.
    c. In the absence of a universally applicable standard code, the use of co
    words for communicating emergency information to non-company element is discourag
    d. Transmissions will be as short as possible consistent with assuring cla
    e. Radio channel will not be used whenever it is being actively used by an
    unit. To indicate that the channel is free for others to use, termination of the
    transmission of a radio conversation will be with the word "out," preceded by the
    pertinent company radio call sign.
    a. Prior to departure of a shipment, all communication equipment will be c
    and maintained as necessary to ensure proper operation.
    b. During periods of communication inactivity while enroute, communication
    with CB and FM radio will be accomplished at least hourly to be aware of any comm
    The following listed tasks are assigned and practiced as standard operating
    procedure during a shipment to enhance the readiness of the operating elements fo
    executing the task reflected in the Responsibility Matrix attached.
    ESCORT and TRANSPORTER (Enroute Elements):
1. At each report to MVMT CONTROL, inform MVMT CONTROL of:
    - present location, enroute situation, next starting time
    - expected time and location of next planned report to MVMT CONTROL.
2. ESCORT (as primary) or TRANSPORTER (as backup) may contact LEA and MVMT
    CONTROL to render reports or request assistance; the Enroute Supervisor designate
    briefs a "getaway" messenger to accomplish this task in an emergency in the event
    electronic communications fail. (A) 3. On the move and at stops, monitor the vehicle-to-vehicle radio net
    continuously. Members not in visual contact with Enroute Elements (at stops) will
    hand portable radios. (A) 4. As required by the situation, alert and pass situational information to
    other by the most expeditious means, i.e., radio, messenger, voice. (A) 5. Maintain TRANSPORTER vehicle locked and manned at all times so as to bl
    surprise penetration and to be prepared to move, operate communications, and immo
    cargo vehicle as dictated by the situation. (A) 6. At TRANSPORTER stops, park ESCORT vehicle with reference to the TRANSPO
    permit continuous observation, but not close enough to present a single target. 7. At TRANSPORTER stops, dispose the guards to obtain coverage of the TRAN
    position; ideally such positions would provide close-by cover for guard protectio
    observation and fields of fire covering the TRANSPORTER position, and mutual supp
    the guards. (A)MVMT CONTROL:
1. As indicated by the enroute security situation, contact each pertinent
    advance of TRANSPORTER arrival in the respective jurisdiction and inform them of:
    - the ID of Enroute Elements (company name, special number) - nature of shipment (handling nuclear cargo) - route and direction of movement
    - ETA and ETD for the jurisdiction
    - the enroute security situation of concern
2. Provide information, investigate assistance, and support as requested b
    Enroute Elements or dictated by situation. (A) 3. Maintain information on current status of shipment.
4. Keep Shipper (CONSIGNOR/CONSIGNEE as appropriate) informed as to change
    movement plan and schedule, and of extraordinary enroute situations. (A)CONSIGNOR and CONSIGNEE (Terminal Elements):
1. Report expected and actual shipment departure and arrival times to each
    as applicable. (A) 2. Maintain current information on changes in movement plan and schedule;
    each other informed as appropriate. (A) 3. Provide safe haven for TRANSPORTER vehicle upon arrival and unloading o
    into appropriately protected facilities from TRANSPORTER. (A) 4. Shipper keeps NRC informed, as appropriate, of changes in movement plan
    schedule and of extraordinary enroute situations. (A)(Due to database constraints, Responsibility Matrix Tables are not included. Ple
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)Appendix D
    This appendix provides a ready reference to specific task sequences for the
    supervisor and each of the Operational Elements. The events that have similar ta
    sequences are grouped together along with the appropriate response procedures to
    for the various contingencies. The summary of procedures, responsibilities, and
    sequences is given in the six enclosures listed below:
    Enclosure 1. Enroute Supervisor's Procedures Summary
    Enclosure 2. Escort's Procedures Summary
    Enclosure 3. Transporter's Procedures Summary
    Enclosure 4. MVMT Control's Procedures Summary
    Enclosure 5. LEA's Procedures Summary
    Enclosure 6. Consignee's/Consignor's Procedures Summary
    Enclosure 1
    Appendix D
    This document summarizes the general responsibilities and contingency task s
    normally accomplished by the Enroute Supervisor. The context and background pers
    of these duties are presented in the basic plan.
1. Plans, directs, and coordinates the local movements and overall respons
    actions of the enroute elements while enroute.
2. Coordinates with MVMT CONTROL and ensures that required reports from en
    elements are submitted.
3. Requests assistance and coordinates operations with LEA providing respo
1. At each report to MVMT CONTROL, inform them of:
    * present location, enroute situation, planned departure time; and
    * expected time and approximate location of the next planned report
2. ESCORT (as primary) or TRANSPORTER (as backup) may contact LEA and MVMT
    CONTROL to render reports or request assistance; the Enroute Supervisor will desi
    brief a "getaway" messenger to accomplish this task in an emergency in the event
    mobile electronic communications fail.
3. On the move and at stops, ensure that the vehicle-to-vehicle radio net
    monitored continuously; members not in visual contact with enroute elements (at s
    will use the hand-portable radios.
4. As required by the situation, alert and pass situational information am
    enroute members by the fastest means, i.e., radio, messenger, voice.
5. At TRANSPORTER stops, park ESCORT vehicle with reference to the TRANSPO
    position to permit good observation of the position, but not close enough to pres
    single target.
6. Maintain TRANSPORTER vehicle locked and manned at all times so as to bl
    surprise penetration and to be prepared to move, operate communications, and immo
    cargo vehicle as directed by the situation.
    * Receives or learns of an explicit threat made against the shipment, or
    * Infers that a threat could exist from suspicious activity encountered w
    enroute, e.g.,
    - Protest demonstration or labor strike,
    - Unexplained route detour,
    - Unexplained road blockage,
    - Signaling to stop from apparent accident or maintenance problem,
    - Signaling to stop from apparent police patrol,
    - Suspicious persons tailing shipment,
    - Suspicious persons endeavoring to isolate a guard or driver at sto
    - Suspicious persons endeavoring close-up or hands-on inspection of
1. Ensure that threat information and on-scene assessments of the threat
    situation are reported to MVMT CONTROL (and the Shipper when directed) as quickly
    possible, consistent with the local circumstances.
2. Direct and coordinate local movement to avoid suspicious circumstances
    cover the TRANSPORTER with the ESCORT where applicable.
3. As feasible, initiate and coordinate enroute investigate activity to ob
    information about the threat when necessary for assessment, e.g.,
    * Query MVMT CONTROL on pertinent LEA,
    * Observation of situational activity,
    * Dispatch of ESCORT patrol to investigate.
4. Perform continuing assessments of the available threat information in l
    the on-going enroute circumstances to decide if the threat should be considered s
    while enroute.
5. If the threat is perceived serious or is reported to be so by duly cons
    authority and the source of the threat is not evident, coordinate with MVMT CONTR
    implement additional enroute security measures as appropriate to deal with any at
    that might be made to carry out the threat, e.g.,
    * Cancellation or delay of shipment,
    * Use of alternative route or safe haven,
    * Increase of guard or escort strength,
    * Arrangement for and coordination with LEA escorts,
    * Review procedures and place operational emphasis on security tacti
    applicable, e.g.,
    - ESCORT actions to minimize or eliminate need for TRANSPORTER
    - Dispersion and variation in enroute movement formations and o
    actions to reduce vulnerability and increase adversary operat
    - Route reconnaissance and screening by advance guard patrols,
    - Continuous all-around security coverage of TRANSPORTER,
    particularly at stops,
    - Coordinated dispositions, fire plans, and movements to attain
    continuous mutual support among guard and TRANSPORTER positio
6. If the threat is perceived serious and is physically evident, i.e., sus
    activity encountered:
    * Alert ESCORT and TRANSPORTER to the seriousness of the situation.
    * Report situation to pertinent LEA as appropriate and request LEA escort
    Plan, direct, and coordinate TRANSPORTER movement to:
    - Continue avoiding the suspicious activity.
    - Screen and cover the TRANSPORTER with the ESCORT.
    - Avoid remote, low-traffic-density, low-speed routes.
    - Close on destination (or safe haven) as quickly as possible consis
    with safe speeds.
7. If an attack against the shipment is attempted or is imminent, perform
    indicated in paragraph 4.3.
    * Learns that certain enroute safeguards capabilities have been degraded
    neutralized, e.g.,
    - TRANSPORTER or ESCORT vehicle breaks down,
    - Radio or mobile telephone equipment is damaged or jammed,
    - Enroute personnel get suddenly sick,
1. Ensure, as applicable, that the situation is reported to MVMT CONTROL.
2. Investigate the circumstances of the degradation to determine if it ind
    a possible incursion attempt against the shipment.
3. If an attempted incursion is perceived or appears imminent, perform tas
    indicated in paragraph 4.3.
4. Otherwise, coordinate with MVMT CONTROL and LEA as applicable to arrang
    support needed to continue the cargo movement.
    * Believes or is informed that an attack against the shipment is imminent
    process of development,
1. Contact pertinent enroute LEA, request assistance, and inform the LEA o
    situation, e.g.,
    * Identification of shipment; current location of TRANSPORTER; route
    movement direction,
    * Adversary strength, description, dispositions, and activities.
2. Report the situation to MVMT CONTROL as soon as practical under the exi
3. Direct and coordinate ESCORT and TRANSPORTER operations to:
    * Escape or avoid contact with the adversary and to move the TRANSPO
    toward the LEA or a local safe haven as appropriate.
    * Assist the LEA response forces to intercept and deal with the adve
    * Protect the TRANSPORTER and cargo against penetration if contact w
    the adversary is unavoidable.
4. If the adversary penetrates the TRANSPORTER and departs with any part o
    cargo, assist LEA intercept and hot-pursuit of the adversary by dispatching an ES
    patrol to follow the adversary and report his position and situation until the LE
    effectively gains contact.
5. If a shipment vehicle is damaged by adversary attack or otherwise, perf
    tasks indicated in paragraph 4.4.
6. If the adversary successfully escapes with any part of the cargo, repor
    theft and the circumstances related thereto to MVMT CONTROL and to local LEA as
    Learns that an ESCORT vehicle or the TRANSPORTER has been damaged by ac
    or an attempted adversary incursion against the shipment,
1. Arrange for local emergency medical, traffic control, and security assi
    via LEA contact as needed.
2. If the TRANSPORTER and cargo are reliably mobile and the ESCORT is not,
    reinforce TRANSPORTER guard with ESCORT personnel as feasible and direct TRANSPOR
    continue the trip.
3. Notify MVMT CONTROL of the situation; report any observations of theft
    might have occurred; and, as applicable, arrange for:
    * Additional escorts and cargo recovery or transfer assistance, alon
    replacement transportation as required to complete the shipment,
    * Emergency repair and evacuation services,
    * Emergency radiation monitoring and decontamination services.
    Enclosure 2
    Appendix D
    This document summarizes the general responsibilities and contingency task s
    normally accomplished by the ESCORT. The context and background of these duties
    presented in the basic plan.
    ESCORT will accomplish the general responsibilities listed below in coordina
    with the Enroute Supervisor and the TRANSPORTER.
1. Make reports to MVMT CONTROL and communication contacts with enroute LE
    eliminate need for TRANSPORTER stops for such tasks.
2. Provide security screening for TRANSPORTER to obtain early warning of
    suspicious situations.
3. Assist TRANSPORTER movement to avoid suspicious situations, to prevent
    by actual or suspected adversaries, and to ensure continued progress toward the
    destination (or safe haven if appropriate).
4. Request LEA assistance to deal with suspected or actual adversary incur
    against the shipment or to investigate suspicious activity as appropriate.
5. Assist LEA convergence upon the TRANSPORTER location as required by the
6. Guard and protect TRANSPORTER to prevent adversary access to or departu
    any @@ of the cargo.
7. Maintain visual contact with adversaries that gain possession of any pa
    the cargo and assist LEA convergence upon such adversaries.
1. At each report to MVMT CONTROL, inform them of:
    * present location, enroute situation, planned departure time,
    * expected time and approximate location of the next planned report
2. ESCORT (as primary) or TRANSPORTER (as backup) may contact LEA and MVMT
    CONTROL to render reports or request assistance; the Enroute Supervisor will desi
    brief a "getaway" messenger to accomplish this task in an emergency in the event
    mobile electronic communications fail.
3. On the move and at stops, monitor the vehicle-to-vehicle radio net
    continuously; members not in visual contact with enroute elements (at stops) will
    hand-portable radios.
4. As required by the situation, alert and pass situational information am
    enroute members by the fastest means, i.e., radio, messenger, voice.
5. At TRANSPORTER stops, park ESCORT vehicle with reference to the TRANSPO
    position to permit continuous observation of the position, but not close enough t
    a single target.
    * Receives or learns of an explicit threat made against the shipment, or
    * Infers that a threat could exist from suspicious situations encountered
    enroute, e.g.,
    - Protest demonstration or labor strike,
    - Unexplained route detour,
    - Unexplained road blockage,
    - Signaling to stop from apparent accident or maintenance problem,
    - Signaling to stop from apparent police patrol,
    - Suspicious persons tailing shipment,
    - Suspicious persons endeavoring to isolate a guard or driver at sto
    - Suspicious persons endeavoring close-up or hands-on inspection of
1. Report all information concerning the threat to the Enroute Supervisor
    MVMT CONTROL and the Shipper as directed.
2. Assist the TRANSPORTER'S movement to avoid the suspicious situation as
3. Accomplish investigations as necessary to obtain additional information
    threat and to assist the Enroute Supervisor assess the seriousness of the situati
4. Accomplish additional enroute security measures to protect the TRANSPOR
    reduce its vulnerability as directed by the Enroute Supervisor, e.g.,
    * Assimilation of additional escort strength as available,
    * Coordination with LEA escorts,
    * Actions to minimize or eliminate need for TRANSPORTER stops,
    * Dispersion and variation in enroute movement formations and other
    actions to reduce vulnerability and increase adversary operational
    * Route reconnaissance and screening by advance guard patrols,
    * Continuous all-around security coverage of TRANSPORTER, particular
    stops or while in the vicinity of suspicious activity,
    * Coordinated dispositions, fire plans, and movements to attain cont
    mutual support among guard and TRANSPORTER positions.
5. If an attack against the shipment is attempted or is imminent, perform
    indicated in paragraph 4.3.
    Observes a temporary degradation in certain enroute safeguards capabili
    - Vehicle breaks down,
    - Communication equipment is damaged or jammed,
    - Enroute personnel get suddenly sick,
1. Investigate and report information on the circumstances leading to the
    and accomplish other actions as directed by the Enroute Supervisor.
2. If an incursion attempt against the shipment is associated with the obs
    degradation or is announced as imminent by the Enroute Supervisor, perform tasks
    in paragraph 4.3.
    * Believes or is informed that an attack against the shipment is imminent
    process of developing,
1. Report the situation immediately to the Enroute Supervisor and the TRAN
    as applicable, e.g.,
    * Observed adversary strength, description, dispositions, and activi
    * Own dispositions and activity.
2. Inform pertinent LEA of the situation and request assistance as directe
    the Enroute Supervisor or otherwise as indicated by the situation.
3. Depending on the observed adversary situation, protect the TRANSPORTER
    * Challenging and turning away any adversary approach toward the
    TRANSPORTER if stationary,
    * Covering the TRANSPORTER'S escape from the situation by preventing
    diverting adversary pursuit,
    * Defending cargo to prevent penetration or to delay the adversary u
    effective LEA response arrives,
    * Following and maintaining visual contact if adversary gains posses
    of any part of the cargo.
4. Assist LEA convergence on the adversary by reporting location and situa
    changes occur.
5. If the adversary successfully escapes with any part of the cargo, repor
    observed information concerning the theft to the Enroute Supervisor and others as
6. If a shipment vehicle is damaged by adversary action or otherwise, perf
    tasks indicated in paragraph 4.4.
    * Observes that an enroute vehicle has been damaged by accident or advers
1. Report the location, circumstances, and extent of damage, as applicable
    the Enroute Supervisor and to MVMT CONTROL as indicated by the situation.
2. Accomplish ESCORT reorganization actions directed by the Enroute Superv
3. In coordination with TRANSPORTER and LEA, cordon off TRANSPORTER and an
    dispersal area if applicable, allowing no one to enter without prior approval fro
    Enroute Supervisor.
4. Assist recovery, inventory, and transfer operations as applicable, and
    continuing security for the cargo during the reorganization period.
5. Provide continued escort security as feasible on resumption of the carg
    Enclosure 3
    Appendix D
    This document summarizes the general responsibilities and contingency task s
    normally accomplished by the TRANSPORTER. The context and background perspective
    duties are presented in the basic plan.
    The TRANSPORTER will accomplish the general responsibilities listed below in
    coordination with the Enroute Supervisor and the ESCORT.
1. Make reports to MVMT CONTROL and request LEA assistance as directed by
    Enroute Supervisor or otherwise as indicated by the situation.
2. Prevent adversary penetration of TRANSPORTER to deny adversary usage of
    TRANSPORTER mobility and to protect the cargo.
3. Use TRANSPORTER mobility to avoid suspicious situations, to escape susp
    or actual incursion attempts, and to maintain continued progress toward destinati
    safe haven if appropriate).
4. Immobilize cargo if TRANSPORTER momentum is lost because of adversary a
5. Assist LEA convergence on TRANSPORTER location as required by the situa
1. At each report to MVMT CONTROL, inform them of:
    * present location, enroute situation, planned departure time,
    * expected time and approximate location of the next planned report
2. ESCORT (as primary) or TRANSPORTER (as backup) may contact LEA and MVMT
    CONTROL to render reports or request assistance; the Enroute Supervisor will desi
    brief a "getaway" messenger to accomplish this task in an emergency in the event
    mobile electronic communications fail.
3. On the move and at stops, monitor the vehicle-to-vehicle radio net
    continuously; members not in visual contact with enroute elements (at stops) will
    hand-portable radios.
4. As required by the situation, alert and pass situational information am
    enroute members by the fastest means, i.e., radio, messenger, voice.
5. At TRANSPORTER stops, park TRANSPORTER vehicle with reference to the ES
    permit continuous observation of the TRANSPORTER position, but not close enough t
    a single target.
6. Maintain TRANSPORTER vehicle locked and manned at all times so as to bl
    surprise penetration and to be prepared to move, operate communications, and immo
    cargo vehicle as dictated by the situation.
    * Receives or learns of an explicit threat made against the shipment, or
    * Infers that a threat could exist from suspicious situations encountered
    enroute, e.g.,
    - Protest demonstration or labor strike,
    - Unexplained route detour,
    - Unexplained road blockage,
    - Signaling to stop from apparent accident or maintenance problem,
    - Signaling to stop from apparent police patrol,
    - Suspicious persons tailing shipment,
    - Suspicious persons endeavoring to isolate a guard or driver at sto
    - Suspicious persons endeavoring close-up or hands-on inspection of
1. Report the TRANSPORTER'S situation and all observations concerning the
    to the Enroute Supervisor and assist in assessing the seriousness of the situatio
2. Coordinate with available ESCORT assistance and move the TRANSPORTER ca
    as to avoid suspicious situations as applicable.
3. Accomplish additional security measures to protect the TRANSPORTER or r
    its vulnerability as directed by the Enroute Supervisor or otherwise as indicated
    situation, e.g.,
    * Assimilation of additional assigned TRANSPORTER guards,
    * Coordination with LEA escorts,
    * Coordination with the Enroute Supervisor and the ESCORT to accompl
    required functions without having to stop the TRANSPORTER,
    * Continue all-around security coverage of TRANSPORTER, particularly
    stops or while in the vicinity of suspicious activity,
    * Coordinated dispositions, fire plans, and movements to attain cont
    mutual support among guard and TRANSPORTER positions in the event
    * Review of procedures and criteria for immobilizing cargo trailer i
    action becomes necessary.
4. If an attack against the shipment is attempted or is imminent, perform
    indicated in paragraph 4.3.
    * Observes a temporary degradation in certain enroute safeguards capabili
    - Vehicle breaks down,
    - Communication equipment is damaged or jammed,
    - Enroute personnel get suddenly sick,
1. As applicable to the TRANSPORTER, investigate and report information on
    circumstances leading to the event and accomplish other actions directed by the E
2. If an incursion attempt against the shipment is associated with the obs
    degradation, or is announced as imminent by the Enroute Supervisor, perform tasks
    indicated in paragraph 4.3.
    * Believes or is informed that an attack against the shipment is imminent
    process of development,
1. Report the situation immediately to the Enroute Supervisor and the ESCO
    applicable, e.g.,
    * Observed adversary strength, description, dispositions, and activi
    * Own location and activity.
2. Inform pertinent LEA of the situation and request assistance as directe
    the Enroute Supervisor or otherwise as indicated by the situation.
3. Use the TRANSPORTER mobility to escape from a stationary situation or,
    mobile, to avoid adversary contact and to move toward LEA or local safe haven as
4. If the TRANSPORTER cannot escape from a stop or cannot maintain its mom
    because of adversary action, immobilize cargo in place if the vehicle is at a sto
    mobile, at a position selected to:
    * Effectively block traffic,
    * Afford little if any opportunity to conceal the cargo vehicle in t
    immediate vicinity.
5. If cargo vehicle is immobilized, occupy a position with the tractor, as
    feasible, that offers good observation and fields of fire covering the cargo loca
6. In coordination with the ESCORT, defend the cargo to prevent adversary
    penetration or departure with cargo until effective LEA response arrives.
7. If the adversary successfully escapes with any part of the cargo, repor
    observed information concerning the theft to the Enroute Supervisor and others as
8. If a shipment vehicle is damaged by adversary action or otherwise, perf
    tasks indicated in paragraph 4.4.
    * Observes that an enroute vehicle has been damaged by accident or advers
1. Report the location, circumstances, and extent of damage, as applicable
    the Enroute Supervisor and to MVMT CONTROL as indicated by the situation.
2. If the TRANSPORTER is reliably mobile, the ESCORT is not, and the cargo
    * Assimilate additional guards assigned by the Enroute Supervisor fr
    immobilized ESCORT and continue movement of the shipment.
    * Coordinate with enroute LEA escorts as arranged by MVMT CONTROL an
    directed by the Enroute Supervisor.
3. If the TRANSPORTER is not reliably mobile or the cargo has been dispers
    * Coordinate with ESCORT and LEA as applicable to provide continuous
    security for the cargo and cargo dispersal area.
    * Assist in recovery, inventory, and transfer operations as indicate
    the situation.
    * Supervise local repair and evacuation operations regarding the
    TRANSPORTER as applicable.
    Enclosure 4
    Appendix D
    This document summarizes the general responsibilities and contingency task s
    normally accomplished by MVMT CONTROL. The context and background perspective of
    duties are presented in the basic plan.
    MVMT CONTROL will accomplish general responsibilities listed below in coordi
    with the Enroute Elements.
1. Track enroute progress as necessary during the shipment and inform enro
    of possible security threats against the shipment.
2. Arrange for and coordinate support and provide investigative assistance
    enroute elements as required by the situation to ensure continued protection and
    of the shipment to the destination (or safe haven if appropriate).
3. Maintain continuing cognizance of the enroute situation during the ship
    and request pertinent LEA assistance in absence of expected reports from enroute
    or to resolve suspicious situations.
4. Keep Shipper (CONSIGNOR or CONSIGNEE as applicable) informed of unusual
    shipment status.
5. Render reports to NRC and FBI as required by the situation and request
    assistance if needed.
1. As indicated by the enroute security situation, e.g., a threat or suspi
    situation is perceived serious, contact each pertinent LEA in advance of TRANSPOR
    arrival in the respective jurisdictions and inform them of:
    * The identification of the Enroute Elements (Company Name, Truck Nu
    * Nature of the shipment (handling nuclear cargo),
    * Route and direction of movement,
    * ETA and ETD for the jurisdiction,
    * The enroute security situation of concern.
2. Provide information, investigative assistance, and support as requested
    Enroute Elements or as dictated by the situation.
3. Maintain information on current status of shipment.
4. Keep Shipper and NRC informed as to changes in movement plan and schedu
    of extraordinary enroute situations.
    * Receives or learns of an explicit threat against the shipment,
1. Report as soon as practical all threat information and assessments to t
    Shipper and to the Enroute Elements and to NRC as arranged with the Shipper; asse
    additional information on the threat and adversary as available.
2. As applicable, assist the Shipper assess the threat if the shipment has
    yet departed from its origin.
3. If the shipment is underway from the origin to destination, analyze the
    available information on the threat to assess the seriousness of the situation.
4. If the threat is perceived to be serious or is reported to be serious b
    constituted authority, coordinate with the Shipper, Enroute Elements, and pertine
    as applicable, to implement increased security readiness appropriate to the perce
    seriousness of the situation, e.g.:
    * Cancellation or delay of the shipment.
    * Use of alternative planned routes.
    * Alerting and briefing of applicable safe haven objectives.
    * Arrangement for and coordination with LEA assistance and escorts.
    * Increase of assigned guard or escort strength.
    * Alerting of backup transportation and escort for standby status.
    * Receives a report from the Enroute Elements that certain enroute safegu
    capabilities have been temporarily degraded or neutralized, e.g.,
    - TRANSPORTER or ESCORT vehicle breaks down,
    - Radio or mobile telephone equipment is damaged,
    - Enroute personnel get suddenly sick.
1. Arrange for the provision of supporting assistance as requested by the
    Elements or otherwise as indicated by the situation.
2. Inform pertinent LEA, as applicable, and the Shipper if changes are mad
    the movement plan or schedule.
    * Receives a report from Enroute Elements or other duly constituted autho
    - An adversary attack has occurred against the shipment,
    - An enroute vehicle has been damaged by accident or by an adversary
    attack against the shipment, or
    - Part or all of the cargo has been stolen.
1. Keep the Shipper and NRC informed of the situation as applicable, e.g.,
    * The details of the adversary attack or the accident as known,
    * Amount of cargo stolen or dispersed as applicable,
    * The equipment damaged and personnel injured,
    * Ongoing actions to deal with the situation,
    * Any assistance needed at the scene from Federal or Shipper resourc
    i.e., inspection, recovery, inventory, decontamination, or transfe
2. Coordinate with Enroute Elements and LEA, as appropriate to the situati
    arrange for escorts and guards needed for continued protection of the shipment, a
    procurement of needed emergency maintenance and medical services.
3. If the TRANSPORTER is not reliably mobile,
    * As appropriate to the situation, arrange for local evacuation of
    TRANSPORTER and cargo to a temporary safe haven to accomplish nece
    repair or transfer operations.
    * Dispatch additional escorts, replacement cargo vehicle, and
    materials-handling equipment needed to complete the shipment.
    * Receives a report that the Enroute Elements have been delayed or divert
    the planned route or that they have not arrived at the destination as
    expected, or
    * Does not receive an expected report from the Enroute Elements,
1. Contact LEA jurisdictions along the route from the location of the last
    from the Enroute Elements to the location of the next planned report to determine
    information that might indicate a valid delay.
2. According to information gained from the above queries, request the LEA
    * Attempt to locate the shipment.
    * Determine reasons for delay if any.
    * Report shipment's status and situation as determined.
    * Render assistance to the shipment as indicated by the situation.
3. If the shipment is located by the LEA and is delayed because of vehicle
    damage, perform tasks indicated in paragraph 4.3.
4. If the shipment is located by LEA and is delayed or detoured for no obv
    valid reasons,
    * Assume attempted theft.
    * Request LEA protect shipment until relief crew arrives.
    * Dispatch ESCORT and TRANSPORTER relief crew to complete the shipme
    * Report incident to NRC and FBI for investigation as appropriate.
5. If shipment cannot be located but subsequently reports, request pertine
    to verify that the shipment is located and moving as reported; if it is not, requ
    to search for TRANSPORTER and apprehend; report incident to NRC and FBI for furth
    investigation as appropriate.
6. If shipment cannot be located, assume that the shipment has been stolen
    report known information concerning the suspected theft to the Shipper, NRC, FBI,
    appropriate state LEA.
    Enclosure 5
    Appendix D
    This document summarizes the general responsibilities and task sequences tha
    requested of the pertinent LEA in the planned contingency situations. The contex
    background perspective of these actions are presented in the basic plan.
    The LEAs have an overall responsibility to maintain law and order within the
    respective jurisdictional area. With their available resources, they endeavor to
    illegal activities, solve crimes, and apprehend law breakers. Within the context
    law enforcement responsibilities, applicable LEA along NRC planned routes have be
    requested to perform the functions listed below in response to contingency situat
1. Provide investigative assistance to check on a suspicious enroute situa
    to determine status of a shipment.
2. Provide temporary escort for those shipments requiring an increased sta
    readiness owing to threats or suspicious situations that are encountered enroute.
3. Provide a response force to deal with unlawful adversary actions agains
    shipments within their jursidiction.
4. Provide traffic control and area isolation (cordon) for post-accident o
    post-attack situations.
5. Assist Enroute Elements to obtain emergency medical care and maintenanc
    assistance if needed.
    Applicable LEA along NRC planned routes have been requested to:
1. Maintain general awareness of the frequency, company, identities, enrou
    composition, and the routes of the SNM shipments within their jurisdiction.
2. Report any available information to the NRC and the FBI that is indicat
    possible danger to a shipment.
    * An explicit threat against the shipment, or
    * A civil disturbance or other suspicious occurrence encountered while en
1. Report threat information to local FBI and to pertinent NRC Regional
2. Provide information and investigative assistance as necessary.
3. Assist in assessing the threat as applicable.
4. Provide temporary escort of the shipment, as arranged in coordination w
    MVMT CONTROL, and coordinate with adjacent jurisdictions to ensure continuing LEA
    as necessary.
5. Prepare to respond with additional force if necessary to deal with unla
    acts against the shipment.
6. Report situation information and passage of shipment to succeeding LEA
    jurisdictions by telephone (collect or WATS) to MVMT CONTROL.
    * An unlawful attack against the shipment,
1. Converge LEA patrols on the TRANSPORTER location to intercept and deal
    the adversary.
2. Pursue and apprehend adversary as necessary to recover the TRANSPORTER
    cargo in their possession.
    * Cargo dispersal,
    * Vehicle damage, or
    * Sick or injured personnel in need of care,
1. Arrange for local maintenance, radiation monitoring, and medical assist
    required by the situation.
2. Accomplish traffic control as necessary to isolate damaged cargo vehicl
    dispersal area.
3. Provide temporary security assistance and escorts as needed to protect
    shipment as arranged in coordination with MVMT CONTROL or the Enroute Supervisor.
    * A delay or diversion of Enroute Elements from the planned route, or
    * Enroute Elements not reporting or arriving as expected,
1. Accomplish investigation of the situation and inform MVMT CONTROL of re
2. Hold shipment in custody until disposition is arranged by MVMT CONTROL
    shipment is:
    * Not following the indicated route and schedule, or
    * Delayed or detoured for obviously invalid or suspicious reasons.
    Enclosure 6
    Appendix D
    This document summarizes the general responsibilities and contingency task s
    normally accomplished by the CONSIGNOR/CONSIGNEE. The context and background of
    duties are presented in the basic plan.
    CONSIGNOR/CONSIGNEE will accomplish the general responsibilities listed belo
    coordination with MVMT CONTROL.
1. Keep each other informed of shipment status and departure and arrival t
2. Render reports to NRC and FBI as indicated by the situation and request
    assistance if needed.
3. Provide support for enroute elements as required by the situation.
1. Report expected and actual shipment departure and arrival times to each
    and to NRC as applicable.
2. Maintain current information on changes in movement plan and schedule a
    each other informed as appropriate.
3. Provide safe haven for TRANSPORTER upon arrival and unloading of cargo
    appropriately protected facilities.
    * Receives or learns of an explicit threat against the shipment,
    * Report without delay all threat information:
    - To each other as applicable.
    - To MVMT CONTROL and NRC (if the Shipper).
    If the shipment has not departed, the Shipper will:
    * Assemble any available information on the threat and the adversary from
    pertinent LEA, MVMT CONTROL, and CONSIGNOR/CONSIGNEE as appropriate.
    * Analyze the available information to assess the seriousness of the thre
    * If the threat is perceived serious or is reported to be so by duly cons
    - Coordinate with MVMT CONTROL to arrange for increased readiness of
    enroute elements and LEA or for cancellation or delay of shipment
    appropriate to the assessed seriousness of the threat situation.
    - Report the assessed seriousness of the threat and contemplated enr
    readiness actions to NRC.
    If the shipment has already departed, the Shipper will:
    * As applicable, assist MVMT CONTROL in assessing the threat situation an
    NRC informed of the enroute situation.
    * Learns that the TRANSPORTER vehicle has been damaged by accident or adv
1. Coordinate with MVMT CONTROL to determine the on-scene situation and
    assistance required.
2. Report the situation to NRC and request additional resources, as requir
    from Federal Agencies.
3. Dispatch health physics personnel, recovery and inventory teams to the
    to accomplish necessary cargo recovery, inventory, transfer, and decontamination
    * Observes or learns that the enroute elements do not arrive at the desti
    as expected,
    * Report non-arrival of shipment to NRC and to CONSIGNEE, as appropriate.
    * Coordinate with MVMT CONTROL to initiate tracer investigation and keep
    CONSIGNEE informed of the trace results as appropriate.
    * Report non-arrival of shipment at destination to the CONSIGNOR and NRC.
    * Learns or infers that enroute cargo has been stolen,
1. Report known information of theft and circumstances related thereto to
2. Assist efforts to recover the stolen materials.
    This appendix provides enroute information for the primary route of shipment
    Alpha plant to Bravo plant. This route starts at the Alpha plant area 10 and fol
    access road to U.S. Route 99, east into Bingo City, thence Interstate 77 east to
    City intersection with State Route 714. It then proceeds north on State Route 71
    intersection of Smith Road, thence south on Smith Road to Bravo plant. The follo
    enclosures are included:
    Enclosure 1. Route Overview
    Enclosure 2. Time and Distance Factors
    Enclosure 3. Law Enforcement Response Summary
    Enclosure 4. Law Enforcement Capabilities
    (Due to database constraints, Enclosures 1-3 of Appendix E are not included. Ple
    contact LIS to obtain a copy.)ENCLOSURE 4 - APPENDIX E
    The eleven County Sheriffs that provide the primary response force for the
    Jonesville, Xray, to Smithville, Gamma, route have county patrol strengths varyin
    to 42 officers. Their normal patrol unit in general consists of one man per vehic
    Patrols are armed with individual's pistols and a riot control shotgun. In an em
    situation, these weapons can be augmented with automatic weapons, semiautomatic r
    and tear gas if required. The referenced city police forces along the route have
    or greater capabilities. In all cases, there are mutual aid agreements with adja
    higher jurisdictions that would be used to obtain reinforcements if necessary.
    All the referenced enroute LEA, with the sole exception of the Gamma State H
    Patrol have modern car-to-car radio communication systems. Unfortunately there i
    single channel that will provide continuous communications by the enroute element
    the enroute LEA forces. However, all the county LEA either monitor the citizen's
    radio or work with a local REACT group.
    Each enroute Sheriff's department typically operates a central dispatch faci
    that has equipment to maintain communication between counties, between a county a
    adjacent states, and between a county and local and state law agencies. In addit
    there are hot-line telephones or one-digit dial systems between adjacent LEA
    In addition to car-to-car and car-to-central-station radio communications, m
    patrol units also have a walkie talkie system that can be relayed by the vehicle
    the base station.